Jess’s BBQ

Thanks to everyone for coming – hope you all had a fun day – Jess Certainly enjoyed herself – as you can see below! We are off shortly to Chessington to round off the weekend – more blogs to follow!

— Post From My iPhone

Published in: on September 5, 2009 at 1:43 pm  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thanks for lovely pics. Pleased to hear (via syl), that you had a lovely day. Hope the cake, mark 2, goes well on Sun. I think O'Reilly should take a rest at some point! Enjoy your day on Sun. Take care on the roads. Lotsaluv from 'a nanny mouse'xxx

  2. Thanks for more super pics of your lovely day on sat. I've had power cuts, so didn't get to them till late. It made me very sad that I wasn't there. So good to see the family together. Much love to all. Keep blogging! 'A nanny mouse' xxx

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