Day 1 of Our Easter Holiday in Gt Yarmouth!!!

After quite a long drive we finally got to chill out!
We got to the caravan and unpacked (and warmed the place up a bit!)
Then it was off for a little look around. Checking out the swimming pool, games rooms, arcades, theatre, and resturant. And a good feed up at the resturant was in order – time for a well earned glass of wine!! (or 2 or 3….  😉 ) 
Then after dinner into the arcade for Jess to play on the machines and rides… Daddy too!
And mummy to win some tickets on the Arabian Derby!
Then back to the caravan for a rest.. tomorrow- Gt Yarmouth and sealife centre!
Few more video clips uploaded too!
Published in: on April 3, 2010 at 8:38 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. looks like your having a good time. Enjoy. Dad

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